it's a joy

Our mouths were filled with laughter, our tongues with songs of joy. Then it was said among the nations, "The LORD has done great things for them."

Monday, March 31, 2008

100 More Things - Part 1

In the spirit of 100 Things I want to do before I die, I also want to make a list of things I have already done in my life and for which I am so thankful that I got to experience. I really have had some incredible experiences and I'm so blessed.

100 Experiences I'm Thankful For (1-25)

I have...

1. Lived overseas
2. Been to Disneyland
3. Did humanitarian work in another country
4. Owned a home
5. Seen Stonehenge
6. Experienced New Orleans during the Jazz Festival
7. Been a wife
8. Been owned by a dog
9. Seen Fiddler On The Roof on Broadway
10. Refinished my kitchen cabinets singlehandedly
11. Loved and lost
12. Known SIX of my grandparents
13. Ran up the Philadephia Museum of Art's steps
14. Ate Beignets and Cafe Au Lait at Cafe Du Monde
15. Rode a gondola in Venice
16. Spent the night on an airport floor
17. Donated my car
18. Seen a glacier calve
19. Parasailed over a whale in Catalina
20. Seen Elton John in concert
21. Seen Aerosmith in concert
22. Seen the cherry blossoms in Washington D.C.
23. Drove through country roads for a whole day just to look at fall foliage
24. Been on a cruise
25. Crossed a covered bridge in Amish Country

(Note to Jen: Dude, while writing this, I realized that an extremely high percentage of these I experienced with you. We rock. Hands down, we're the funnest sisters ever!)



At 7:38 PM, March 31, 2008, Anonymous Anonymous said...

we totally rule.


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