it's a joy

Our mouths were filled with laughter, our tongues with songs of joy. Then it was said among the nations, "The LORD has done great things for them."

Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Note to self

Awhile ago, I saw a meme going around on some of the blogs I read where people were writing letters to their teenage selves. A few weeks ago, I turned 27. I had a few reminiscent moments where I thought about what I was doing 10 years ago. Yikes, those teenage years sucked. So anyway, here’s my letter…

Dear 17-year old Andrea,

Yo, wassup? Dude. First things first. You make it to at least age 27. Score!

I just wanted to let you know that things get better. You know these things that your body and emotions do with the rolling and the tumbling and the UP and the DOWN? It’ll subside. I promise. Just remember that everything you are positive that you are “feeling with every ounce of your body”? You’re not. It is all hormones. Accept it. Chill out. And quit taking everything so seriously.

Oh yeah...he’s not that cute, he is far from your dream guy and he is HIGHLY imperfect. And he’s not worth throwing away your other relationships for. He’ll mess you up big time and it will take you quite awhile to get over him. But, you know what? He’s going to help shape you into who you are in the future. And you’ll be a better person for it. Just please don’t be so stupid about it, because you’re embarrassing your future self. Seriously.

Be nicer to people...even when it’s social suicide. Because high school lasts just a blink in comparison to how long you’ll feel guilt and regret. You know who I’m talking about. Just be her friend. And step up and defend her sometimes.

Your parents aren’t stupid. So, quit acting high and mighty like you’re getting away with murder. In a few years, they’ll be two of the only friends that you KNOW without a doubt that you can count on.

Dude. Enjoy the metabolism.

On the flip side, you’re making some very good decisions at the moment. On days when you get so tired of going straight from school to work, just remember that God will provide such awesome experiences for you to use that money on. They will be far bigger then you can imagine at the moment. Bigger than anything else you might be doing after school instead of going to work.

You know what? High school does suck. You’re right. I am sorry to say that this will be probably the hardest time in your life. But, dude, life gets SO much better. Just try to enjoy your last couple years at home. Treat your best friends right, because they really are some of the coolest people you’ll ever meet. Quit being such a snot. Chill out and try to smile more.

Oh, and treat that little Beretta better. It’s going to be with you for awhile yet. Quit driving so fast and hitting deer with it.

That is all.




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